Business Solutions

Price Matrix
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When using PRNPool, facilities cut back expenditures that are required when having a full-time employee. Facilities are no longer subject to overtime rates and steep mark-ups from vendor management systems and agencies. These third party costs keep facilities from being able to hire value-based professionals. As this matrix shows, can drastically reduce costs.

5 Steps
Five steps to fluidity and benefits.

Hesitancy to act causes bottom lines to decrease; healthcare facilities must take action. By transferring underutilized workforce into PRNPool, facilities and professionals benefit tremendously. Facilities continue to use professionals on an Ad-Hoc basis without having static professionals not meeting base hours due to over staffing. This also allows facilities to reduce personnel.  

Rewarding Professional and Facility Alike

Our system is designed to compensate both facilities and professionals. Professionals work additional hours that are flexible and are at a rate that is negotiable. This simple system provides an easy way to maneuver and find shifts in the area. increases the efficiency of staffing a per diem need by bridging the communication gap between facilities and professionals.

Flatten Pyramid
Flattening the Personnel Pyramid allows healthcare systems to increase control by de-layering the system for short-term coverage. By using PRNPool, a department will have more centralized and functional management, increasing fluency and lessening confusion with unnecessary medians. The simple web application cuts feedback from managers to the pool of professionals in half.

Quantitative Research

According to's research, half of the hospitals and imaging centers personnel surveyed said they utilize supplemental staffing services. All the personnel surveyed thought was a useful service, and only 5% said that they foresee the need for supplemental staffing to decrease. Our results show that in the upcoming months there will be an increased need for hospitals to reach out to automated services, such as conducted focus groups with personnel from hospitals and imaging centers.